Accumulating junk in your home over the years is something most people can’t avoid. Since you do not want to take this unwanted junk to your new home, why not throw a yard sale before moving?
A yard sale will not only help you get rid of unwanted items, but it will also help pay for a portion of the moving expenses. These are the four things you must do in order to throw the ultimate yard sale.
Advertise everywhere
No one is going to come to your yard sale if they do not know about it. The traditional ways to get the word out about your yard sale are in the local newspaper and with signs around town.
Those methods are still viable, but adding your yard sale as a Craigslist listing will get even more people to your event. If you want even more people (and who doesn’t), search for local yard sale groups, become a member and post your yard sale to the group. These groups are usually highly active.
Make it stand out

Anyone can put their unwanted junk on some tables in the yard, but making your yard sale a unique experience will draw in more customers. Playing music is a great way to improve your yard sale, but make sure it is not loud enough to disturb the neighbors. Having snacks and drinks available to your guests is also a good idea. If they feel comfortable, then they will stay longer and spend more money.
Lay out efficiently
Nobody wants to spend an hour looking through an assortment of items at a yard sale. Sorting your items into categories will not only make your sale look more official, but the shoppers will also be happier. If someone comes looking for baby clothes, then you will be able to direct them to the proper area.
Price reasonably
When pricing items, you need to remember that your yard sale is filled with things you no longer want. If you start to haggle over a few dollars on every item, then you might end up taking way too much junk to your new home. There is a balance between “Do I want more money?” and “Do I really want to take this stuff to my new home?”
The ultimate yard sale isn’t that hard to accomplish. Get the word out, create an atmosphere, set up the products in categories and take all offers. That is really all you need to do. And for the junk that doesn’t sell? Well, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure so don’t throw it away. Instead, donate it to charity. In the end you win, your neighbors win and your community wins.
When your junk has sold and you are ready to move, choose the Mississippi / Tennessee movers of choice – Morgan Moving & Storage – and request your free quote online.