It isn’t unusual to look forward to your new home while also feeling nostalgic about the one you’re leaving behind. It also isn’t unusual to be so busy during the transition that you don’t think about capturing big moments – but, if you can take the time to record your move, you’ll probably appreciate it later.

Moving day memories through pictures



Visual memories

Before your furniture is moved out of the house, take pictures of your favorite spots, perhaps the big armchair in the den where you read books by the fireplace or where you ate popcorn while watching the latest on Netflix. shares tips on how to take beautiful photography of your home. Don’t forget pictures of the outside, including any special landscaping or gardens.

Also consider videotaping your family as they walk through the house, sharing memories – maybe about where you always put your Christmas tree or where you recorded your children’s heights as they grew.

Moving day memories through video

Written memories

Movie day memories diary

Although you may not think so now, you’ll later cherish the memories you write down about your home – and Mari L. McCarthy offers plenty of journaling tips and resources. As starters, what do you love most about this home? What are your best memories? Funny ones? Write them down!


When you get to your new home, remember to take photos, make videos and record written memories – as much as time allows, anyhow. Later on, once you’re settled into your new home, you can turn the collection of photos and written memories in a scrapbook keepsake. Here are suggestions on how to scrapbook.

If you’re thinking – I’d really love to do this but aren’t sure I’ll have the time – contact us for a free quote. Let us help you streamline your move!

Make lasting memories: more moving day tips

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